Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14, 2010

Maybe since I'm from a different generation - a nice to way to say I"m much older - I just don't understand what these kids get out of these games - I really think they are boring.  I remember being in high school and going to the game rooms.  I would beg my boyfriend to take me home, but he just couldn't tear himself away from Pac Man - I mean it was fun for a few turns, but not for hours!  How do these kids sit and play these games for hours! I got my daughter's DS out and play some zombie game she had on it.  Flesh eating zombies came after you, and you were supposed to work your way through the maze of junk laying around killing the zombies in the meantime - just another Pac Man type game.  I was fun for about 15 minutes, but then I didn't advance - most likely because I stink at these things - and it just got too boring.  I guess I'm just not a gamer - so what am I doing in this class! HA HA

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010

Well, I played around with Second Life last night again, and once again I do not see why people get so into these virtual reality/simulation games.  I thnk it's rather BORING!  I did go to some different places - halloween areas and some ghost tried to take my soul, but I just kept moving around and he eventualy left me alone.  There were some other people in the haunted area - about 4 or 5 - they were talking to each other, but no one said anything to me.  I feel kinds silly saying this, but I was a little nervous that they would, Ididn't know what to say - do you act yourself in these situations or do you role play.  You have created this alter person so do you take on any persona you want?  I feel silly because why would I care what this avatars think of me!  They don't know anything aboutme nor do I of them - who know where these people are even from.  I guess this could be what so many people so in this type of game - go into these rooms, meet people to chat with and be anybody, act anyway you want to - no one will ever know truly who you are.  I feel that these people are hiding behind their computers because they are too scared to face life - really sad when you think about it.