Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cuban Chapter 4

I think that computers will help enhance education if the teachers will just open up to the fact that they must learn knew ways of teaching.  I've read a few other posts, and I think we all agree that the older teachers that have been around for a few years are reluctant to try new things and/or ask for help from the younger ones to show them how.  I wonder if the older teachers feel that by asking for help it might show a lack of intelligence on their part, but in reality it shows a lack of intelligence by not asking for help.

Another issue is not only the lack of training from our schools, but the inability to purchase the new equipment because of lack of funding.  I am a speech therapist and wanted a SmartBoard like everyone else in the building so for 2 years I asked for one and finally got it.  Although it took almost another year for maintenance to come and hang it in my room, when all was finished I looked forward to playing with it and figuring it out, however, something was missing.  They had found me a board, but there was no money to buy me a projector so I still couldn't use it!!!  So there it still hangs, useless on my wall for the past 4 years - what a waste and misuse of funds!!!

can't respond to posts either

to sjames123teach - I tried as well to respond to your post but couldn't :0(  I even tried to log in and it wouldn't let me log in - computers are wonderful when they work, but when something doesn't I get so frustrated!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cuban Chapter 3 Synthesis

I think everyone is agreeing that those who have been in the profession for a while are just scared of the technology today and reluctant to try and use it.  We try and get them on board, but with those I deal with they feel that they are too close to retirement so why change now.  I find new teachers that are coming into the system amazing at times with what they can do with technology, and how much the kids love it!  I think that we need to learn technology in order to keep up with what are students know and with what keeps their attention.  We need to keep up with what and how our kids are learning these days, not just in school, but outside the school building as well

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cuban Chapter 3

As Cuban stated in the book reasons teachers do not use technology in the classroom, I too see this way too often.  I have been taking technology classes for the past year and 1/2 I have have tried to get my fellow speech therapist to use some in therapy sessions as well with success just recently.  Many teachers have been teaching for so long that they do not like change and feel their way has been working for years (or so they think) so they are not going to change a good thing.  I hate to say it, but these teachers just need to go ahead and retire and let those with new ideas and the gumption to use these ideas a chance to teach.  I have used technology in the my therapy sessions for years, and up until recently many of the therapist that had been in the school system thought I was just being lazy and not wanting to work with the students.  However, several have left the system and with new blood comes new ideas.  Last year the special ed department bought us iPads to use in therapy, and although they would not give us any money to purchase apps (go figure LOL) we have found many free or really cheap ones to use with our kids not only in articulation therapy but language as well - they beg to use the iPad and I have been seen improvement withmany of the kids.

Cuban Chapter 1 & 2 synthesis

It does seem that this book will be easier to read.  It was interesting to think back to when I was a kid in school and how amazing I thought watching film strips were in class.  I loved it when the teacher got the film strips out and just thought it was an amazing way to learn.  Now look what we have - streaming videos, live feed from different zoos, NASA and the like.  I just wonder what and how my grandchildren will learn in school in the next 15 years or so - holigrams?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cuban Chapters 1 -4

I really enjoyed reading about how film and the radio used to be used in the classroom.  Just think, back then filmstrips were thought of as such an advancement and today we just through them in the trash!  I remember when I was in elementary (not saying how long ago that was LOL) but I LOVED watching filmstrips in the classroom!  I thought they made learning so much better - turn the handle when the bell dings for you to go to the next picture LOL.  Now -a- days we can have the children make their own videos to share with the classroom in a matter of hours - how far we have come!

When it comes to using television in the classroom, I have to say I'm up and down on that issue.  I do still beleive that some shows such as The Electric Company and School House Rock can be helpful to students, but I don't even know for sure if these are around still.  I do see, however, that way too many teachers use the television as babysitters for the classrooms at time - well this is in the school I used to work at I don't want to pigeon hole all teachers into this thought.  This book seems that I might interesting and a little bit more enjoyable to read than Postman for sure!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bibliography Synthesis

This was the first time I had seen a bibliography like this - unlike some of my fellow students - and I have to say it was rather enjoyable.  I have enjoyed this book much better than Postman for the reason that I'm just a history buff and enjoy reading about that subject.  I'm looking forward to the Cuban book and hoping it will be intriguing.